Is your business reaching its full potential?

Make your goals SMART!

SMART goals, a methodology that helps you make, well, ‘smart’ goals for your business. These goals can help you focus and take actions to grow your business and make it on top of the podium. 

Not sure where to start? We at Refuel have the solution with our free SMART goals template. We can be the backseat driver guiding you along the racetrack to business success. 

Download your free SMART goals template here!

But what are SMART goals?

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Be concise and confident in your goal with a target in mind. Don’t waste time/energy trying to create a goal that is too convoluted.
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Can this goal be tracked and recorded to show an improvement toward reaching your goal? If not, how can you prove the goal is being reached?
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Can this goal actually be reached? If the goal is too far-reaching it can be discouraging when it isn’t met.
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Why have the goal if it doesn't matter? Don’t strive to reach something that is going to put more strain and pressure on your time and resources.
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Can the goal be completed within a timeframe or is it relevant to your business in the short/long term? Will the outcome benefit your business seasonally or all year round?